Photo by Joel Sartore.

Common Logperch | Percina caprodes

Status: IUCN: Least Concern

Threats: Sedimentation

CFI Status: Propagated at CFI from 2006-2007 as mussel hosts (VDWR*); 2012-2013 as mussel hosts, (KDFWR**) benefitting Fanshell, Dromedary Pearlymussel, Cumberlandian Combshell, Snuffbox, and Purple Catspaw mussels. (What do these terms mean?)

Native Range: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, and Mississippi River basins from e. QC to AB and south to LA; Hudson River drainage, VT and NY

Spawning Habitat Preferences: Early to mid-spring spawners in medium-sized creeks to large rivers with high flow; eggs are laid in gravel substrate

Fun Fact: Common Logperch are odd among the logperches for their schooling behavior. Although we often see them in groups that are large for a Percina, mussel biologists we work with have described schools containing over a hundred individuals in the deep pools of major rivers.

In Partnership With: **Kentucky Department of Fisheries and Wildlife ResourcesCenter for Mollusk Conservation; Kentucky Waterways Alliance; *Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources - Aquatic Conservation Center; USFWS (Frankfort, KY); Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery


Citico Darter


Conasauga Logperch