Spotted Darter

Photo by Joel Sartore

Spotted Darter | Nothonotus (=Etheostoma) maculatum

Status: IUCN: Vulnerable; USFWS: Not Listed

Threats: Deforestation, impoundments, and sedimentation (What do these terms mean?)

Native Range: Ohio River basin from w. NY and PA to n. IN and south to WV and KY

Spawning Habitat Preferences: Spring spawners in riffle areas with high flow of rivers with rocky or boulder substrate; lay eggs in the crevices of large rocks or boulders

CFI Status: Propagated at CFI in 2008 for life history study research. (What do these terms mean?)

In Partnership With: West Virginia University

Relevant Literature: Ruble et al. 2016


Speckled Darter


Tangerine Darter